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What is the Philadelphia Archaeological Forum?
Mission Statement
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This city’s unique archaeological heritage, and archaeology’s unique contributions to the city, help to keep Philadelphia a vibrant and beautiful place for the city’s resident’s and its millions of visitors. (Dr. David Orr Ph.D.,Past Regional Archaeologist, National Park Service; Temple University)
Philadelphia’s rich archaeological heritage is a mainstay of the city’s tourism Industry. Local projects provide the city’s residents with exciting opportunities for high school National History Day topics, sites for volunteer service, college internships, and more. Philadelphia’s archaeological sites provide both the nation and the local community with powerful rallying points for national and social identity. (Patrice L. Jeppson, Ph.D., Adjunct Assistant Professor, Cheyney University; Past, Historical Archaeologist, Benjamin Franklin Tercentenary Commission)

PAF Mission Statement
The Philadelphia Archaeological Forum (PAF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of archaeological resources in the City of Philadelphia. Established in 1998, the organization aims to further an awareness of Philadelphia’s rich archaeological heritage through educational programs and activities which reach beyond the professional community. PAF also advises agencies and the general public on archaeological matters and encourages communication about, and support for, the publication of information concerning the archaeology of the city.
PAF Membership Is Open to Everyone.
The membership of PAF includes, among others, avocational archaeologists, architects, historians, journalists, school teachers, college students, community organizers, university researchers, private sector archaeologists, retired persons, preservation specialists, and museum professionals.
PAF Activities
- Monthly public meetings bringing together archaeologists and other interested parties and members of the general public to plan activities and share information about current archaeological developments in the Philadelphia area.
- Dedicated Consulting Party participation in the Section 106 National Historic Preservation Act review process of public consultation in regard to projects impacting historic and archaeological resources in Philadelphia.
- Assisting allied concerns, such as the Philadelphia Preservation Alliance, and other local and special interest groups (e.g., Philadelphia Neighborhood Alliance, Delaware River Keeper), including contributing to the Philadelphia Certified Local Government Evaluation Report and the Mayor’s Historic Preservation Task Force.
- Developed the extensive, geographical (GIS) database of more than 200 historic burial places known as the interactive Philadelphia Historical Burial Ground Map and Database.
- Co-sponsors (with Independence National Historical Park) of Explore Philly’s Buried Past!, a day-long event held every October since 2005 to celebrate Pennsylvania Archaeology Month. Hosted by the National Constitution Center, this event has featured, to date, 202 presenters sharing local, cutting-edge, archaeological discoveries with members of the general public.
- “Web Page Central” for Philadelphia archaeology: 220 pages of original and coordinated content, including Gray literature (original Cultural Resource Reports), published articles on local artifacts and sites, event and online exhibit coverage, videos, blogs, and an archive of local news coverage related to local archaeology matters.
- Email discussion forum (listserv) with 131 members and a Facebook page with 1750 Likes/1760 Followers (as of 3/16/18).
- Co-sponsors of a book and a documentary film on Philadelphia archaeology: The Buried Past: An Archaeological History of Philadelphia. Edited by John L. Cotter, et al. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 524 pages ISBN-10: 0812231422 ISBN-13: 978-0812231427. The ‘bible’ of Philadelphia archaeology, and In the Shadow of Liberty, The Search for James Oronoco Dexter (video), by Mitch Smith.
- Co-sponsors of the Pennsylvania State Archaeology Month posters in 2005 and 2011.
- Co-Developers, with Westphal College of Media Arts, Drexel University and Independence National Historical Park, of four 3-D animated Public Service Announcements (PSA’s) promoting October as Pennsylvania Archaeology Month and the Explore Philly’s Buried Past annual event.
- Coordinator of The Philadelphia ‘Day of Archaeology’, the local version of an international blogging project begun in 2011 that is designed to provide a window into the lives of archaeologists and to those whose work engages with archaeology. Since 2012, PAF has gathered 61 submissions from local archaeologists and other Philadelphians using local archaeology, posting the entries both at the PAF webpage and at the international project’s blog posting site.

In 2018, the Preservation Alliance of Greater Philadelphia awarded the Philadelphia Archaeological Forum with their Public Service Award for Preservation in the Public Interest. Learn more about this recognition here…
Philadelphia Archaeological Forum Awards
The PAF Douglas Heller Award
Established in 2012, this award recognizes unusual actions or activities of individuals and or organizations that have furthered the cause of, and support for, archaeology in the city of Philadelphia and or its hinterlands. This award was created in honor of Douglas Heller (1955-2012), a member of PAF who also championed the archaeology of the President’s House site at his website, and who developed, and also served as webmaster for (2007-2012), the Philadelphia Archaeological Forum webpages at Membership in the Philadelphia Archaeological Forum is NOT a requirement for nominee consideration. This award is not bestowed annually.
The PAF Award of Merit
Established in 2012, this award recognizes individuals and or organizations whose actions have helped preserve, protect, and or educate others about the archaeological resources of the Philadelphia area. One or more of these awards may be bestowed annually.
Learn about past Award Recipients…
Meet some members of PAF (and check back as we periodically add to this page)
Anthony Ranere
Douglas Mooney
David Orr
Marshall Becker
Patrice Jeppson
- Michael Parrington
- Douglas Heller
- Daniel Crozier
- Daniel Roberts
- Robert L. Schuyler
- Joel Fry
Contact PAF
By email at:
Philadelphia Archaeological Forum
c/o Dr. Glen Muschio
Drexel University
3141 Chestnut Street 13-608
Philadelphia, PA 19104
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