PAF Activities
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PAF Mission Statement
The Philadelphia Archaeological Forum (PAF) is a non-profit organization dedicated to the protection and preservation of archaeological resources in the City of Philadelphia. Established in 1998, the organization aims to further an awareness of Philadelphia’s rich archaeological heritage through educational programs and activities which reach beyond the professional community. PAF also advises agencies and the general public on archaeological matters and encourages communication about, and support for, the publication of information concerning the archaeology of the city.
PAF and The Philadelphia Historic Preservation Task Force
City of Philadelphia Mayor Kenney has created a historic preservation task force to help the City reassess how Philadelphia preserves its historic resources. The task force includes experts in historic preservation, development, archaeology, land use and architecture. It also includes community members to ensure that our neighborhoods are represented. Philadelphia Archaeological Forum President Douglas Mooney was appointed to this Task Force. Learn more here…
PAF and Burial Places/Cemetery Issues
Archaeologists, historically-concerned citizens, and descendants of early Philadelphia communities are seeking clear municipal laws in Philadelphia that will compel developers to handle burial remains respectfully. Toward this end, PAF has created an extensive geographical database (GIS) that currently includes more than 200 historic burial places in Philadelphia. It is PAF’s intention that, in addition to being useful to historians, archaeologists, and other researchers, consulting this database of known cemeteries and private family plots will become a starting point in the process of due diligence of both developers and the city of Philadelphia when considering new projects. Learn more here…
PAF Site Visit to Byberry Township African American Burial Ground…

On behalf of the Philadelphia Archaeological Forum, PAF members Jed Levin and Patrice L. Jeppson made a site visit March 6th, 2023, to the Byberry Township African American Burial Ground in Northeast Philadelphia. There they meet on-site with Jacqueline Wiggins, an expert on the subject of African American studies in Philadelphia, Hannah Wallace, a freelance consultant to the Greater Philadelphia Preservation Alliance and The Society to Preserve African American Assets (SPPAAA), whose specialty is 18th-19th century Philadelphia African American history, and ˜Jennifer Robinson, Director of Preservation Services for the Preservation Alliance for Greater Philadelphia. The Preservation Alliance and SPPAAA are in public and private dialogues to develop and execute a formal plan for landscaping, wayfinding, and publicly interpreting the Byberry Township African American Burial Ground. PAF is pleased to be able to offer assistance to this effort. Read the site visit report …
PAF and the Certified Local Government Evaluation Report
In addressing its dedication to the protection and preservation of archaeological resources in the City of Philadelphia. PAF also advises agencies and the general public on archaeological matters. For more than a decade, PAF has served as a dedicated Consulting Party on multiple city, state, and federal development projects and has regularly assisted allied concerns such as the Philadelphia Preservation Alliance, the Philadelphia Neighborhood Alliance and the Delaware River Keeper. In 2015-2016 PAF contributed to the Philadelphia Certified Local Government Evaluation Report. Learn more here…
PAF and Explore Philly’s Buried Past!
The day-long celebration known as ‘Explore Philly’s Buried Past!‘ is held each October. It brings local archaeologists, archaeology students, and archaeology avocationalists together to share cutting-edge artifact discoveries and archaeological research with the general public. Held annually since 2005, this event takes place during Pennsylvania Archaeology Month (October), and in association with International Archaeology Day. PAF co-sponsors the event with Independence National Historical Park and it is hosted by the National Constitution Center. Learn more here...
PAF and the Day of Archaeology Project
What do Philadelphia archaeologists actually do, and what do people do with Philadelphia’s archaeology? This blogging project, occurring annually in July, s the local version of an international blogging project designed to provide a window into the lives of archaeologists and to those whose work engages with archaeology. Since 2012, PAF has coordinated 61 Day of Archaeology entries. Learn more here…
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