Archaeological Sites of Interest

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President’s House Site

18th and 19th century archaeological ruins at the site of the President's House in Independence National Historical Park, Philadelphia, PA


Dr. Richard Veit explores the archaeology and history of Philadelphia’s Lazaretto, used to quarantine Philadelphians and visitors who contracted the Yellow Fever during the late 18th century through the 19th century.

Native American archaeology in the region…

Shofuso House and Garden
Archaeology at the Japanese House in Fairmount Park, site of the Japanese bazaar that stood during the 1876 Centennial Exhibition.

Arch Street Project
Salvage archaeology project at the site of the First Baptist Church of Philadelphia’s burial ground, 218 Arch Street.

Dexter House front and rear Philadelphia Archaeology

James Oronoco Dexter House Site
 Learn about the excavation and interpretation research of a free African American coachman who lived in early Philadelphia, who was one of the founding members of the first, autonomous, free black churches in the United States

Mother Bethel Burial Ground
Weccacoe Park


Federal Detention Center Project
7th and Arch Streets

Queen Lane Redevelopment/
1755 Germantown Potter’s Field
or Stranger’s Burial Ground

West Shipyard and Penny Port House Landing
Hertz Lot, Vine Street and N. Delaware Avenue


The Washington Avenue BioArchaeology Project
700 block of Washington Avenue


Franklin Square
Race Street
between 6th and 7th Streets


+ A brief history of Archaeological Research in Philadelphia
+ A short description of the Archaeological Research Process
+ Types of Archaeological Reports
Philadelphia Archaeological Forum Research Report INDEX…
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Philadelphia-area Archaeology Articles/Papers…
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