Other Research Reporting on the President’s House Site

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Phase II Archeological Investigation, Liberty Bell Complex, Block 1, Independence Mall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 2006 archeology report prepared by Yamin, Rebecca, and Tod L. Benedict of John Milner Associates, Inc. Submitted to the National Park Service.

Archeology at the President’s House Site, Independence National Historical Park. Briefing Statement, prepared by Jed Levin, submitted to the Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Northeast Region, January 12, 2006.

Activism Leads to Excavation: The Power of Place and the Power of the People at the President’s House in Philadelphia“, by Jed Levin (2007 Archaeologies)

“Public History at Sites of Protest: Citizenship on the President’s House Viewing Platform” by Cheryl J. LaRoche. 2007 Cross Ties, the Mid-Atlantic Regional Center for the Humanities at Rutgers University-Camden.

Ad Hoc Historians [Sharon Ann Holt, Randall Miller, Doug Heller, Howard Gillette, Rosalind Remer, Shirley Parham, Edward Lawler, Stephanie G. Wolf, Ken Finkel, Charlene Mires] 2007 Letter to Mayor John F. Street and [INHP] Superintendent Dennis Reidenbach.

“Telling the Truth” about American History: Social Justice and the Archaeology of Slavery and Freedom at the President’s House Site.” Paper presented by Jed Levin, Patrice L. Jeppson and Willie Hoffman at the 2007 American Anthropological Association Conference, Washington, D.C.

“Interpreting Contradiction at the President’s House: Public Archaeology in Philadelphia”. Paper prepared by Joe Roberts for a 2007 Graduate Seminar, College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, Virginia.

“The President’s House in Philadelphia, or, How We Stumbled Upon the Future of Public History Practice”. Paper presented by Sharon Holt at the 2008 National Council on Public History Annual Meeting, Louisville, Kentucky.

“The President’s House Site Archaeological Investigation: Theory, Community and Practice”. 2008 Paper prepared by Patrice L. Jeppson for the Society for Applied Anthropology.

“Excavating the President’s House: Confronting Slavery and Freedom through Archaeology”. Paper presented by Jed Levin at the 2009 Society for Historical and Underwater Archaeology Conference.

“The Archaeology of Freedom and Slavery at the President’s House” by Patrice L. Jeppson,. African Diaspora Archaeology Network Newsletter, June 2009, ISSN: 1933-8651

“Principles of Evaluation and the Relationship between Materiality and Social Existence: Learning from the President’s House Site Blog Postings”. Paper by Jeppson, Patrice L., and Karen Lind Brauer presented at the 2008 Society for Historical and Underwater Archaeology Conference.

“A Platform Above and Beyond the Archaeology: History and Historicity at the President’s House Site”. Paper by Patrice L. Jeppson and Joe Roberts presented at the 2009 Society for Historical and Underwater Archaeology Conference.

“Interpreting the Archaeology of “We the People”: A Behind the Scenes Look at the Public Archaeology at Independence National Historical Park”, by Jeppson, Patrice L., Jed Levin, and Glen Muschio, 2009 American Anthropology Association Archaeology Division Sponsored Workshop.

Commentary: “Archaeological Heritage of “We the People” Public Archaeology at Independence National Historical Park” by Patrice L. Jeppson (2010:5-6, Anthropology News, American Anthropological Association).

“The President’s House in Philadelphia: From Archaeological Site to Commemorative Site”. Paper by Jed Levin presented at the 2011 Society for Pennsylvania Archaeology Conference, Morgantown, Pennsylvania.

“Archaeology and the Interpretation of the President’s House: Limits and Largesse”, by Patrice L Jeppson and Jed Levin, Paper Prepared for the 2012 conference of the Society for Historical and Underwater Archaeology, Baltimore

“All of the Above: Archaeology Outreach at Independence National Historical Park”, paper by Jeffrey Collins, Jed Levin, and Patrice L. Jeppson presented in the 2013 NPS-organized (re Teresa Moyer) symposium at the annual Conference on Historical and Underwater Archaeology (January 2016) on the theme National Park Service Archeology Outreach and Education at the Centennial.

“Archaeological Significance, Professional Practice, and Public Praxis, Part 1: Identity, Community Engagement, and the Significance of Archaeological Sites”. Paper by Jed Levin and Patrice L. Jeppson presented at the 2014 Society for Historical and Underwater Archaeology Conference, Québec City, Québec, Canada.

“Archaeological Significance, Professional Practice, and Public Praxis, Part 2: Identity, Community Engagement, and the Significance of Archaeological Sites”. Paper by Patrice L. Jeppson and Jed Levin presented at the 2014 Society for Historical and Underwater Archaeology Conference, Québec City, Québec, Canada.

The President’s House à Philadelphie. La liberté, l’esclavage et la création d’une nouvelle nation, video of presentation by Jed Levin at the 2012 Archéologie de l’esclavage colonial [Archaeology of Colonial Slavery] International conference organized by the musée du quai Branly, the Committee for the History and Memory of Slavery, the Ministry of Culture and Communication and the French National Institute for Preventative Archaeological Research, as part of the national day of memories of the slave trade, slavery and their abolition, Paris, France.

15. The President’s House à Philadelphie. La liberté, l’esclavage et la création d’une nouvelle nation Chapter in Archéologie de l’esclavage colonial 2014 by Jed Levin. La Découverte eBooks, 2014
