Sofuso Japanese House and Garden
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Japanese Bazaar, 1976
Archaeological Dig at Shofuso Japanese House in Philadelphia, July 30, 2015 (New This video was taken during the summer of 2015, while archeologists explored this Fairmount Park location looking for evidence of the Japanese bazaar that stood during the 1876 Centennial Exhibition.
Here is a short documentary film about the Japanese House when it was on exhibition at the Museum of Modern Art in New York city as part of an exhibition on the influences of contemporary American architecture, now known as mid-century modernism. Shofuso was moved to Philadelphia in 1957 and is open to the public in West Fairmount Park today.
Learn More about archaeology at the Shofuso House and Garden…
Archaeological dig at Shofuso unearths remnants of long-forgotten Japanese bazaar: Exhibit showcasing found objects coming in May, Philly Voice, April 11th, 2016
Teens Dig History at Shofuso Japanese House and Garden, Japan America Center of Philadelphia, October 4, 2015
Artifacts from 1800’s discovered at Shofuso Japanese House, The Parkside Journal, September 6, 2015
Archeologist uncover Shofuso’s Japanese House and Garden’s storied past, Philadelphia Free Press, August 5, 2015.
New archaeology at Shofuso unearths the garden from 1876, Broad Street Review, August 2, 2015
Shofuso digging for its Centennial ancestor, PlanPhilly, July 29, 2015.
Archaeological dig at Shofuso Japanese House and Garden in Philadelphia, New, July 30, 2015
Big Dig: Japanese Garden in Fairmount Park, Courier Post, July 27, 2015.
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