Philly Artifacts in 3D
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In August of 2016, artifacts excavated from the site of the National Constitution Center (NCC) in Independence National Historical Park were 3D scanned for use in a display at the National Constitution Center. Thirteen of these artifacts are currently available to view in 3D at the sketchfab page posted by Bernard Means of the Virtual Curation Laboratory at Virginia Commonwealth University.
Click on the image below and then select individual artifacts to rotate:
Philadelphia Artifacts in 3D!
In 2016, Bernard Means of Virginia Commonwealth University’s Virtual Curation Lab made a 3D scan of the mastodon tooth discovered in the 1950’s at the location of Benjamin Franklin’s house (the site of Franklin Court) in Independence National Historical Park. You can read more about this fossil here and about its scanning by the Virtual Curation Laboratory’s Bernard Means here.
3D scan of an ointent Jar recovered from the site of the National Constitution Center in Independence National Historical Park. The object was scanned by Bernard Means of Virginia Commonwealth University’s Virtual Curation Lab. The original artifact, and a reproduction created from the scan, are now included in the “We The People” exhibit at the National Constitution Center.
This carved wooden toy horse was discovered during excavations at the site of the National Constitution Center on Independence Mall. It was 3D scanned and printed as a replica for use in an exhibit at the National Constitution Center by Bernard Means of the Virginia Commonwealth University’s Virtual Curation laboratory.
The painted, 3D printed, toy wooden boat replica. The original artifact was found at the site of the National Constitution Center. The carved wooden boat toy is attributed to the woodcutter Israel Burgoe, an African American who lived in 18th century Philadelphia. Learn more about how this replica is used here…
Plate fragment attributed to James Oronoco Dexter, a Free African American who lived in late 18th century Philadelphia. The plate was excavated at the site of the National Constitution Center in Independence National Historical Park. CLICK ON THE IMAGE to rotate. (This 3D rotating scan comes via a Facebook post by Bernard K. Means, Director of the Virtual Curation Laboratory of Virginia Commonwealth University).
Very cool combination of two 3D scans– the Ben Franklin statue at the National Constitution Center’s signer’s room combined WITH the mastodon tooth discovered at the location of the Franklin mansion site of Franklin Court in Independence National Historical Park.
See artifacts from Independence National Historical Park in the process of being 3D scanned, 3D printed, and or painted:

Click on the image above to view a slide show of the VCU students at work on the NCC display artifact reproductions. (Slideshow: Facebook post by Bernard K. Means, Director of the Virtual Curation Laboratory of Virginia Commonwealth University.
3D Scanned and Printed Artifact Replicas Allow Hands-On Exhibit Engagement at the National Constitution Center
Read more about how these 3D scans were made (including a slide show) and about how they are used in an exhibit at the National Constitution Center <a href=””>here…</a>
3D Scans of Philly Archaeology Artifacts Used in Short Animation Videos
Watch the Philadelphia Archaeological Forum’s 30-second long, animated public service announcements created by Drexel University Digital Media students using 3D scans of artifacts recovered by archaeologists in Independence National Historical Park. The PSAs feature four artifacts excavated from historical archaeology sites located in Independence National Historical Park in Philadelphia. The PSAs are a joint project of the Philadelphia Archaeological Forum, Independence National Historical Park, and Drexel University Department of Media Arts. Learn more about the PSA development here… and here…and here….
Learn more about Locally Discovered Artifacts/Local Archaeology…
Reminder: This page is still under construction (3/23/18). Check back for more!
<a href=””>painted a 3D printed replica</a>,
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<a href=””>child’s slip decorated dish</a>
<a href=””>toothbrush</a>
<a href=””>thimble</a>
<a href=””>corset stay</a>
<a href=””>slip pot</a>
<a href=””>scanning a green glazed plate</a>
<a href=””>scanning a cremeware baking dish</a>
<a href=””>scanning NPS archeologist Jed Levin</a>
<a href=””>carved wooden horse toy</a>
<a href=””>3D printed toy horse</a>
<a href=””>wine bottle seal</a>, <a href=””>domino</a>
<a href=””>redware plate</a>,a <a href=””>thimble</a>
<a href=””>3D printing of the thimble</a>
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