What do Philadelphia’s Archaeologists Do?
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The Philadelphia ‘Day of Archaeology’ Project.
What do Philadelphia archaeologists actually do?
The Philadelphia Day of Archaeology is the local version of an international project that is designed to provide a window into the lives of archaeologists and to those whose work engages with archaeology. The International Day of Archaeology is a blogging project that began in 2011. The Philadelphia version gathers and collates local project submissions and posts them both at the webpages of the Philadelphia Archaeological Forum and at the international project’s blog posting site.
The Philadelphia version of the ‘Day of Archaeology’ project welcomes archaeologists and anyone else working with or even visiting archaeology resources locally in the Philadelphia area– be they tour guides, media specialists, volunteers, students, local historians, journalists, teachers, preservation specialists, cultural resource managers, park rangers, museum folks, artists, etc., etc.
The objective is to share information about what one does with archaeology on a given day. This can be anything from writing a report to reading a report, presenting a tour with sites to excavating on a site, washing artifacts for reconstructing objects to photographing artifacts for 3D computational modeling of artifacts, preparing/teaching a lecture or lesson plan to grading papers that use archaeology evidence, writing for the public about archaeology or evaluating archaeology for a state or federal agency, supervising volunteers or being an archaeology volunteer, even just checking the PAF Facebook page or these web pages count (if that is what was done with archaeology on that day)!
Jesse Walker
Archaeological Society of New Jersey
Newsletter Editor and Executive Board Member
Kenneth J. Basalik
Cultural Heritage
Research Services, Inc.
Lansdale, Pennsylvania
Scroll down below further to find the Philadelphia Day of Archaeology submissions for 2015, 2014, 2013 and 2012 …
Read about the 2015 contributors here…
Click here for 2014 Philadelphia Day of Archaeology
Click here or on the image for 2013
Click here for 2012
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