Matthew A. Kalos – A ‘Day of Archaeology’, 2015
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Day of Archaeology: Paoli Battlefield, Malvern, PA
Matthew A. Kalos, PhD Candidate, Temple University (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA)

New test unit at the Paoli Battlefield, showing the extension of a structure’s foundation walls toward the Southeast.
This summer I am completing my dissertation research at Paoli Battlefield located in Malvern, Chester County, Pennsylvania. The battle took place on September 20, 1777, as a part of the Philadelphia Campaign, a British initiative in the American Revolutionary War to gain control of Philadelphia. My research this summer is focusing on the Bowen farmhouse, which is located adjacent to the site of the battle. One of the aims of my fieldwork is to identify the relationships between the battle and those who were affected by the conflict. As part of the project, I bring in volunteers to assist in the excavations.
Today, I worked with three volunteers as we continued to delineate and document the foundation walls of the house. My volunteers come from all walks of life, from college students to retirees, but all share an enthusiasm for history and archaeology. On the day of archaeology we opened two new test units with the aim of finding the southeast corner of the house. Working our way through different stratigraphic levels we began to recognize flat stones and mortar extending beyond our current test units. This finding suggests that the wall continues farther than anticipated. In addition to excavating, my intern from Temple University began to draw profiles of a test unit.
Overall, our work today continues to expand our understanding of the Paoli Battlefield and the Philadelphia Campaign.
Read this contribution at the 2015 International Day of Archaeology Blogging Project.
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